Our History
In the framework of population, increase in purchasing power and technological developments from past years to the present, the amount of waste continues to increase throughout our country, and this increase necessitates the necessity of a sustainable and integrated method.Disposal of wastes without being evaluated within the recycling and recovery process causes serious resource losses in terms of both material and energy.
Sustainable waste management, which is in multifaceted relations with technical, economic and social disciplines; It requires focusing on waste prevention, reuse, recycling and recovery and preparing a waste management plan from waste generation to final disposal within the framework of the waste hierarchy.
MRZ, which carries out R&D studies for the ecological system that we provide day by day with the proliferation of wastes, Since 2010, with its Opsis Branded Products, it has continued to develop its technology day by day in terms of both transforming organic wastes into compost and reintroducing compost to nature as a useful fertilizer.
Opsis has a mission to change the perception of "organic waste" in all its works. It can turn organic waste, which seems worthless and burdensome, into compost in just 25 hours. In this way, it is proud of having made a great contribution to the economy by leaving a clean environment for future generations. Recently, it has invested in zero waste project practices to prevent waste. It is a domestic and national company in the production of compost machines.